Giving a final glance back at the door in question, you decide that
this excursion was totally pointless and is very unlikely to benefit
you in any way at all. You feel better inside, though, your sense of
morality assauged by your upright decision to leave the girls in peace
and quit spying. In the middle of your self-congratulation, however...
bet you're curious..." The soft, whispered sentence tickles your ear,
before you realize who is probably saying this... You jump a foot into
the air, startled, and land facing the opposite direction, seeing what
you feared most: the face of a female. This female, however, doesn't
look indignant or contemplating the nearest phone so she can call the
police on a stalker. Instead, she's just grinning, as if she's played a
joke. "Seriously, though. Don't you wanna know what's going on in
there?" She winks at you, making you feel a bit awkward. It's one thing
to spy on girls, but... you have this intuitive feeling that this is
one of those girls who doesn't mind being spied upon, and that she
helps others spy on those that interest them. Regardless, you nod, your
slightly guilty curiosity coming back to assail you, but you brush it
aside. "Great! All right, follow me." She claps you on the shoulder and
steers you back towards the maintenance door. As you walk, you feel
more at ease. Now that you think about it, you've seen this girl
before. The image of a girl chasing another as you walked into the
castle comes to mind, and you recognize this one as the chaser. Only,
her hair is a bit longer than you had assumed, and her jean shorts were
actually a jean skirt. Her lace-up boots reach almost to her knees, her
black tank top sporting red shoulders, and her hands sheathed in
fingerless gloves. All in all, you wouldn't be surprised to find this
girl at a rough bar or on the street.
Casually, the blonde-haired girl, who also has pointed ears reminscient
of elven ears, produces a piece of wire from the inside of one of her
gloves and picks the lock. "Done that a million times, this lock's a
piece of junk," she giggles. "All right, here's what you do. There's a
ladder that leads into the maintenance shaft. Just crawl along that
until you reach a vent with no screen. Just lie down up there and enjoy
the show." She waits to see that you do as she told, then she leaves
the room, leaving you to wonder about the morality of this.
Nevertheless you crawl over to the vent in question, and as you lie
down, you realize that this hole looks over the room you had been about
to peep on before. Only this time, instead of having a small sliver of
view, you can see clearly out over the entire room.
The source of the noise you had heard before is quite obvious now; a
girl with long blonde hair in streaming pigtails that must reach almost
to her knees when let down is curled up on a bed in pajamas, being
teased and poked by another girl with an equally long pink ponytail and
a red ribbon in her hair, also wearing pajamas. You grin, watching the
blonde girl roll and squirm around, giggling steadily. Their playtime
is interrupted by a knock on the door, presumably the other girl you
spoke with in the hall. Without waiting for an answer she steps into
the room, a big grin on her face, and shuts the door behind her. They
begin exchanging words, but you can't quite hear what they're saying.
What do you do?
Slide up a bit more and try to hear what they're saying
Keep back; there's no point in risking their noticing you