ATF Saga/Castle Saga

This is supposed to be the World Famous ATF Building.

The ATF Saga isn't an anime story, and in truth it's a collection of inside jokes. Anyone who isn't from the ATF will probably not be able to understand the humor and it won't make sense. But for those of you who are from the ATF, have fun with the parodying nonsense! ^-^
Also here I have the "Castle Saga", including stories from the castle which takes place in the ATF/Castle universe. Hehehe.

If you're interested in the ATF, check it out here.

ATF Saga 1: Beginnings are supposed to be humble...
ATF Saga 2: A day at school with Great Teacher Onizuka
ATF Saga 3: Way outta control - Excel Saga takes over!
ATF Saga 4: Excel Saga part 2
ATF Saga 5: Airhead Angel - Steel Angel Kurumi
ATF Saga 6: Disgaea - An Important Aspect of being Overlord

Castle Saga: Missing Manga
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 2
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 3
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 4
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 5
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 6
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 7
Castle Saga: Missing Manga part 8
Castle Saga: Jelex's Lesson
Castle Saga: Kiri's Creation
Castle Saga: Chakra and Magic

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